LifeTips Press Information

LifeTips to Showcase WordVision to Smart Marketers
By Howard Davidson
July 28, 2008
In August, LifeTips will be debut WordVision, a tool that automatically tracks the impact and ROI of content assets at 3 well attended internet marketing trade shows.
The LifeTip team will be sharing content strategy success stories with marketing experts, agencies, publishers and the industry’s best and brightest at these trade shows:

Ad:Tech in Chicago: August 5-6, 2008.
Affiliate Summit, Boston: August 10-12, 2008
Search Engine Strategies, San Jose: August 18-21, 2008

WordVision is a revolutionary content-tracking tool for SEO managers and writers. The program loads in all your keywords and then ranks them on a scale of 1 to 10. The algorithm tracks the listing position, migration patterns, PPC price, search volume and more. Reports, performance and content asset impact are all readily available. Additionally, the tool guides writers to the hot topics and keywords that support the latest SEO trends for a URL.


LifeTips is the place where experts share their specialized knowledge to make life better, easier and more fun. Millions of monthly visitors read our tips and advice on everything from cellphones to yoga. Our tips and advice are created by expert writers so great—we call them Gurus. And they keep the tips flowing to readers thanks to sponsors like Hasbro, Office Depot, Brookstone and many more that sign up for the web's only Exclusive Program-- an innovative marketing service that grows their business online in creative ways. LifeTips was founded a decade ago by Byron White, who is a sought-after speaker on quality content -- the most important driver for online success. LifeTips is part of the group of companies, which help improve mind share and market share for hundreds of clients.

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