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We publish the book. You become the authority.

It's amazing what your name on the cover of a book can do. After all, authors are authorities. A book with your name and/or your company's name on it gives you visibility and credibility. Our writers will create a can't-put-it-down book packed with useful tips and advice, and you'll get the credit. On-demand publishing makes it all affordable and easy. Books are printed and shipped one copy at a time, only after they've been ordered. So you can test their business-building potential.

Nannies4Hire tested using a book of 100 tips for hiring a nanny as a sales incentive. The book was sent free to families that signed up for their premier membership package. It worked beyond their wildest dreams. The percentage of families choosing the premier package shot up, as did revenue. And LifeTips makes it easy for Nannies4Hire and our other clients. We do all the order fulfillment, printing and shipping the books for delivery within 48 hours of order.

100% Guarantee
Created to meet your specifications
Guaranteed original
Editor proofed and polished
Screened, expert writers
Duplication tested

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One Client Per Topic

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