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You need the SEO Edge™. Only LifeTips has it.

Nowadays, business success has a crucial component—search engine success. Your company needs top rankings in the search engines to be visible, to be credible, to be a player. But to achieve this success, you need copy that connects with readers, keeps them engaged and keeps them coming back. Only then will the search engine spiders and spy cams reward you with top listings.

At LifeTips, we’ve perfected the art and science of crafting web content that both connects with readers AND appeals to the search engines. We call it the SEO Edge because that’s what it’ll give you—the competitive edge. With exclusive access to millions of search terms at LifeTips, hundreds of thousands of questions asked by readers over the years, and active ratings of tips on our website, LifeTips has got something that no-one else has: We know what knowledge seekers want. That’s the edge needed to create web content that works for both readers and the bots.

Read a few of our exclusive SEO Edge tips and learn some of our secrets.

SEO Edge Tips  (
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Great content from great writers.

Great content is more than useful information. It’s compelling, entertaining writing that hooks readers and keeps them coming back for more. After all, searchers are readers. So a successful organic search marketing strategy begins with great writers, like the ones who work for LifeTips. We carefully screen them and hire only the best. Tips that really work aren’t easy to write, but our writers have it down to a science. Get the Gurus - LifeTips’ writers.