LifeTips Press Information

Bible for Entrepreneurs Hits Bookshelves
LifeTips 101 Entrepreneur Tips Released Nationwide
April 13, 2007
Boston, MA – April 13, 2007 –, Inc., announces the publication of debut author Susan Payton’s book, LifeTips 101 Entrepreneur Tips. The book is one of a series published by LifeTips that provides readers with insightful tips and advice in a variety of fields.

"Starting a business is no easy task, but we’re excited that Susan has taken on the bold initiative to create tips for aspiring entrepreneurs," said Melanie Nayer, Editor of and LifeTips 101 Book Series Editor. "Susan’s tips not only cover the bases of launching a business, but also provide insight and information on marketing your business, motivating your staff, and raising money to stay afloat."

Payton’s book covers all things entrepreneurial, including how to do your own market research, promoting your business through blogs and podcasts, and how to get repeat customers. Payton used her own entrepreneurial experiences to write the book. She is Managing Partner of Egg Marketing & Public Relations, an Orlando-based marketing firm she founded in 2006. She is currently developing relationships with local small businesses and online entrepreneur resources to promote her book, and is available for speaking opportunities.

"We create marketing campaigns for companies all over the country; it’s a lot harder to market my own book!" said Payton of her book promotion efforts, "Resources for entrepreneurs are fragmented. I wanted to provide a quick and easy guide to show entrepreneurs how to start a business, as well as help them avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made in my own endeavors."

LifeTips launched the 101 LifeTips Book Series in January 2007. To date, the company has released over a dozen books including LifeTips 101 Low Carb Diet Tips, LifeTips 101 Student Loan Tips, LifeTips 101 Health Insurance Tips, LifeTips 101 Screenplay Tips, and more. The LifeTips books are available at, and other online retail sites. The books are also available in bookstores.

You can purchase LifeTips 101 Entrepreneur Tips, by Susan Payton, at,, and more.

About Egg Marketing & Public Relations
Susan Payton is the Managing Partner of Egg Marketing. She holds an MBA from the University of Central Arkansas, and has BA degrees in English and French. Susan has worked as a writer in the creative capacity for ten years. She is now harnessing her creative ability with her knowledge and experience in marketing, finance and business. Prior to founding Egg Marketing, Susan held the position of Communications Director for an investor relations firm in Orlando, Florida.

LifeTips creates and delivers content solutions that become powerful assets for clients. Our project-based services and staffing services connect clients with our pool of over 500 expert writers. Writers so great-- they're Gurus! With an engaging voice and infectious enthusiasm, our freelance writers, editors, and engineers can take the complexity of any business writing assignment and create informative content that connects with readers, earns trust and drives traffic and sales. From web writing development to on-demand book printing, our solutions are working for H&R Block, LowerMyBills, Merck, One Hanes Place, Office Depot, The Company Store, Verizon Wireless and Yankee Candle.

With proper attribution and a link to the appropriate page at LifeTips, media representatives are free to use any of the 96,000 tips at LifeTips.

For more information:
Melanie Nayer, Editor
617.886.9001 x207

Susan Payton
Egg Marketing & Public Relations