LifeTips Press Information

LifeTips Launches Computer Monitoring Tip Site
Internet activity monitoring information available for parents and employers
May 10, 2007
Boston, MA (PRWEB) May 10, 2007 – With many children more computer savvy than their parents and an increasing amount of job functions performed online, parents and employers alike are left to wonder if time spent on the home or office computer is safe and appropriate. LifeTips launched to provide detailed information to readers about the decision to purchase computer monitoring software with features such as content filtering, keystroke monitoring, and parental controls.

"With more and more companies adding filters and cyber-sleuths to their computer networks, it’s no wonder the art of computer monitoring has become so advanced," said Byron White, President of LifeTips. "Our computer monitoring tips will help readers understand everything from adware to spyware, and we’ll even break down the legality of privacy invasion in the home and workplace."

Sample Computer Monitoring Tip:
* Monitoring Instant Messages
"Are your children using instant messengers to communicate back and forth with each other? Do they use chat rooms? If you have answered yes to either of these questions then equipping yourself with software that will allow you to record instant messages might be a good idea. Be able to silently and invisibly record conversations between two parties over chat programs, either locally on your computer or through web-based
chat programs.

IM or instant messaging is the ability to chat with friends and family over the Internet via an instant messaging application. Instant messengers can be in the form of downloaded software that resides on you computer, or they can be web-based. Here are a few examples of instant messengers:

AOL Instant Messenger or AIM
MSN Instant Messenger

Although instant messengers are great for communication, they can also be used for unlawful activity. "Internet Predators" who are mostly middle-age males, tend to use instant messengers to trick children into providing them with personal information.

Instant messengers are programs that should be closely monitored to ensure your child's safety and well being."

Read more great Computer Monitoring Tips at

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For more information:
Byron White

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