With the increasing importance of quality inbound links for search engine rankings, we decided to sign up with LifeTips. LifeTips offered to create a comprehensive tip site for us with several targeted links back to our main Web site, which seemed link a good link building strategy. After a short strategy session with us, LifeTips’ staff did all of the heavy lifting by writing all of the tips and putting together the tips site. I have been impressed by the quality and relevance of the tips. Most importantly, their work (in concert with our own search engine optimization efforts) drastically improved our search engine rankings. We are very happy with the results!
Geoff Wilson | President | 352 Media
Atta Boy Lifetips! For a job well done in setting up our Tip Site and links that delivered an important boost in our organic positioning for many of our key terms. We also purchased additional tips to use on our own website and are currently establishing a Tip Center as an additional resource for our customers to learn about wine cellars and proper wine storage. Thanks Lifetips!
Ben Adams | Marketing Manager | Vigilant, Inc
Working with the team at Lifetips has been a pleasure. They have created exciting and interesting pieces of information for the consumer. Hopefully they also had some fun in the wine space as well. It was truly a joint effort to bring awareness and exposure to www.mywinesdirect.com.
Trissie Rost | Chief Marketing Officer | My Wines Direct
Our hits have increased dramatically thanks to LifeTips content and link solutions. We should have our 2 millionth visitor this week and the champagne is on ice!
Jeannie Bell | VP/COO | Direct Laboratory Services
Byron and his team are really on to something and we’re excited that we’re along for the ride! Our Cooking 101 Program is so unique and LifeTips is an excellent venue for us to maximize our marketing efforts.
Jean-Pierre Brehier | Chef Executive Officer | Cooking 101
My experience with LifeTips has been very beneficial. I was extremely impressed with the quality of their tips content. All were written by experts, and it shows! Within the first 6 months of membership, our site went from appearing below 200 in the SERPS to number 10!
Anna Fleet | Senior Editor | Geosign
Here's a great tip to improve your search engine rankings in a powerful and professional way - Use LifeTips.
Ken Abbott | Internal Product Manager | IntegraMed America
Lifetips.com was very helpful in increasing the quality of traffic to our website. The sponsorship puts us ahead of our competitors. The content solutions offer us powerful tools to educate our customers and the public and achieve our goal to become the number one in quality cosmetics and skin care products retailers. Thank you Lifetips.com!
Kate Pienpucta | President | Beauty Bridge
Roommates.com is happy to become a part of the LifeTips.com network. We are in the company of other impressive websites which, along with the writing abilities of the LifeTips Gurus, help to put the "Life" in Roommates.com and LifeTips.com
Mike Peters | V. P. Business Development | RoomMates.com