LifeTips Press Information Launches Contact Lens Tip Site at is now the exclusive Contact Lens sponsor in the LifeTips network.
March 28, 2007
Boston, MA (PRWEB) March 29, 2007 – Many glasses wears seek contact lens prescriptions for convenience or to improve their appearance, and thanks to recent technologies, everything from colored contact lenses to bifocal contact lenses are available online. hired for content develop solutions to provide helpful tips on choosing and caring for contact lenses. is now the exclusive sponsor of the Contact Lens tip site in the LifeTips network.

"If you’re a contact lens wearer, you know what a convenience it is to pop in a lens and head out the door. But you’re also probably shocked at the multitude of contact lens options available," said Melanie Nayer, Editor of "We’re breaking down the lens barrier with our contact lens tips. Everything from hard to soft, cleaning and storing, colors and new hydration lenses are covered in these tips."

Sample Contact Lens Tip:
* Proper Lens Care Can Save You Money
"Some contact lens cleaning solutions can be rather expensive, but in the long run they can save you money. The products recommended by your eye doctor may seem expensive but they can result in cost savings if they keep your contact lenses cleaner than less expensive cleaning solutions. When contact lenses are not cleaned properly they may become uncomfortable and may need to be replaced more frequently than anticipated. The cost of replacing contact lenses too often can exceed the cost of using cleaning solutions of a higher quality."

Read more great Contact Lens Tips at

About, Inc., a leading online destination for contact lenses since 1995, offers consumers all the popular brands of contact lenses at wholesale prices with convenient quick delivery. Through its easy-to-use website and its toll-free telephone number "1-800 LENS.COM" (1-800-536-7266), the company provides the very best in competitive pricing, convenience, and personalized customer service. is a privately held U.S. corporation.

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With proper attribution and a link to the appropriate page at LifeTips, media representatives are free to use any of the 95,000 tips at LifeTips.

For more information:
Byron White

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