LifeTips Press Information

LifeTips Launches Scuba Diving Tip Site
Free Information about Scuba Diving Equipment, Certification, and Dive Locations
April 6, 2007
Boston, MA (PRWEB) April 6, 2007 – There are more than 8.5 million certified American scuba divers, and this number stands to grow as people of all ages discover the fun and excitement of scuba adventures. LifeTips launched as a free resource for web readers interested in scuba diving certification, scuba diving equipment, and scuba diving locations.

"Whether you’re diving in Belize or combing the Caribbean waters, our Scuba Diving tips offer all scuba divers – novice and professional – state of the art information for the next big dive," said Byron White, president of LifeTips. "From scuba gear and technology to safe scuba diving techniques, our scuba diving tips are equipped to help all divers."

Sample Scuba Diving Tip:
* Equalize Your Mask to Prevent Painful Mask Squeeze
"Mask squeeze is painful pressure from the scuba mask pushing against your face and causing the tissue around your eyes to swell.

Mask squeeze occurs when a diver does not equalize his or her mask during a rapid descent. This creates what is known as barotrauma, or bruising, to the soft tissues of the face within the mask. There is no treatment for barotrauma, and the tissue will heal in one to two weeks.

Equalizing is easy to do. Scuba masks are designed to let divers exhale through their nose into the mask to lessen the pressure."

Read more great Scuba Diving Tips at

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With proper attribution and a link to the appropriate page at LifeTips, media representatives are free to use any of the 96,000 tips at LifeTips.

For more information:
Byron White

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