LifeTips Press Information

LifeTips Launched Timeshare Tip Site
Consumer Information About Timeshare Packages and Timeshare Ownership
April 9, 2007
Boston, MA (PRWEB) April 9, 2007 – Timeshare ownership has given millions of vacationers the ability to enjoy their favorite travel destinations year after year. However, with timeshare points and exchanges, timeshare ownership may seem too complicated for some would-be travelers to enter into. LifeTips created to provide helpful information to readers interested in the ins and outs of timeshares.

"Our timeshare tip site takes the worry out of buying or selling a timeshare property", said Byron White, president of "Whether you’re planning your next family vacation or looking into retirement property, our timeshare tips will help guide you through the planning process."

Sample Timeshare Tip:
* Types of Timeshares
"There are many types of timeshares but the four basic are described below. Yours might be dissimilar or yet still, even be a mixture of the plans.

Deeded Timeshare (Fixed Unit, Fixed Week)
Here you will be given a deed that testifies you own a particular timeshare at a definite time each year.

A Floating Time Agreement
Flexible time available for timeshare usage. When reserving it is on a first-come basis, since every owner has that same choice.

Right-To-Use Timeshare
This is a lease and at the end you will no longer have any rights to the property.

Points-Based or Vacation Clubs
Timeshare owners can pick from a assortment of vacation spots where each stay uses points, which vary depending upon the timeshare and season procured."

Read more great Timeshare Tips at

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For more information:
Byron White

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